Sedazione Cosciente

Vincere la paura

Ortodonzia Invisibile

Per un sorriso trasparente

Igiene e sicurezza

Protocollo di sterilizzazione

Saturday 8 March 2025

The structure is located inside the town centre of Milazzo (ME) and is about 200 meters far from the port to embark on ships or hydrofoils from/to the Aeolian islands.

The studio is equipped with cutting-edge instruments combined to innovative design solutions. It is also well-served by public transport.

The materials and methods of work are aimed to achieve optimal results.

Our staff is constantly focused on creating a hospitable and always careful environment to better consolidate the doctor-patient relationship.

The Pino Dental Clinic covers all branches of dentistry from traditional to more advanced, also by the use of collaborations with other specialists.

A toothache tends to start on a Friday night.
(Arthur Bloch, Johnson and Laird’s Law)

The Pino Dental Clinic is nowadays affiliated with the main sanitation funds including local and national territorial ones like FISDE (Integral Health Fund for Employees of the ENEL Group) which is the only structure, related with this sector, with a direct agreement with Milazzo. Trustee of the UnipolSai Assicurazioni Group SpA S.p.A. in the Medical-Legal field for the Dental Sector. For more informations just contact the studio.

Patients even much more satisfied

Sbiancamento professionale

Eliminazione di tutti gli inestetismi dei denti, non soltanto quelli presenti in superficie, a causa dei fenomeni di deterioramento del colore (macchie di thè, caffè, fumo…). Un sorriso migliore favorisce la tua vita di relazione.


La Overdenture (protesi su impianti) consente di riabilitare intere arcate edentule in presenza di disponibilità ossea limitata.

Check-Up Radiologico

Possibilità di effettuare RX OrtoPanTomografia (panoramica dentaria) direttamente in studio. Diagnosi immediata al momento della prima visita

Faccette dentali in ceramica

Procedura minimamente invasiva per un’estetica eccellente.

Hygiene and Safety

Dr. Pino and his staff are particularly careful to perform a very detailed sterilization protocol. There is a room containing a class B autoclave dedicated exclusively to this purpose. Technical sheets for instrument sterilization and surface disinfection are provided for those patients requesting them. Furthermore, at the end of each performance, between a patient and the following, the dental unit automatically activates a very deep disinfection mechanism of the circuits to avoid cross-infections.

On the other hand, testers are also used to verify periodically the correct autoclave safety and operation (sterilization equipment).

Dr. Pino holds the position of Councilor on the Governing Council of the ANDI (National Association of Italian Dentists) in the Provincial Section of Messina and holds the position of ANDI Secretary on the Regional Sicily Department.

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